Here, I've used a cadian guard, a shotgun from Space Marine Scouts, the grav chute and some green stuff.The shape and design of the grav chute is more geometrical and I thought of elbow and knee pads moulded into similar shape to relate to the grav chute. I've also did a similar styling on the shoulder pads.
I had to be careful as not to overdo it and make sure that this is a conversion that I can do for the next 19 guardsmen as it should be simple enough to maintain its consistency and yet effective.For the colors, I've chosen a scheme similar to the Elysian Taros Campaign color scheme. These para-troopers are a separate division in my army called the Praetorian Hawks and will be distinctly different from the rest of the Byzantum Guards. At the moment, I plan to have 2 veteran squads of this in 2 valkyries. I think some variety of uniform would look interesting on the battlefield.